
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

Ayatollah Ghilmeini5/02/2009 7:34:56 pm PDT

Response to links and responses

As I said he is not the perfect vessel.

Assuming he is just referring to immigrants convicted of crimes in the Netherlands, why can’t they kick them out. It is grounds for losing your green card and visitor status in the US if you violate US law. If large numbers of immigrants reject the right of their host society’s system of law to apply to them this is far less loyalty that the Japanese American exhibited in post Pearl Harbor USA. These people were loyal citizens and look how they were treated; what duty, beyond mere human decency does a nation owe to people actively attempting to overthrow and subvert society as a whole?

As for Vlaams Belang, he said he would consider working with them but not ally with them if they are involved with LePen. Well they are, let us see if he is true to his word. Does the fact he said he would look at it make mistrustful? Yes. Yet have we stated openly, Geert Wilders, steer clear of these elements or you lose us for good? No.

The Bruce Bawer quote I used is a direct quote.

The people at Vlaams Belang have no problem with Celtic Crosses, white power symbols and J.M. Le Pen. But Wilders does. Why go through the effort to draw limits if he is a true fascists. True fascists can partner with anyone to gain power.

It is a mistake to assume that Wilders’ election means Soylent Green style mass deportations by force of arms. This draws every conclusion against Wilders. Let us not forget there already is mass violence in Europe. Blackburn, the North Paris banuels, Rotterdam and Malmo are occupied territories.

I don’t want it to come to bloodshed any more than you do but the failure of Europe’s mainstream parties to address unimpeded colonization and mass illegality has brought European society to its knees. I do not wish to see mass violence break out in Europe; tell me how the Netherlands reasserts control over its breakaway inner cities peacefully? Other than a massive show of force that causes the Islamists to back down or a change in the ideology of the Takfirists, it is quite predictable the coming crackdown on illegal parallel societies will lead to a violent backlash.

For five years, this man has slept under guard for our liberty, do we not owe him spelling out our concerns and demanding answers? Do we not at least owe him the courtesy of letting him know that our support is contingent on his walking the road of the righteous?

If Geert Wilders wants to be Churchill he has to do and say Churchill: he can have VB or us. That is for certain. BUt we must not push him away until he has been given a fair chance to clear the air and draw the right lines.