
Michele Bachmann Introduces Ron Paul: 'He's Awesome!'

Cato the Elder10/02/2009 4:09:45 pm PDT

re: #202 CyanSnowHawk

An acquaintance of mine died yesterday from complications brought on by an H1N1 infection. I didn’t know her well, but many of my friends did. It was very surprising, as she was not elderly and was usually very healthy in general. She was somewhat overweight, but very strong and rather athletic, at least enough to regularly fight in SCA tournaments (full speed, full contact, Medieval fighting in period comparable armor). This flu is going to be a problem, a big problem. Get the immunization when available.

You can get the regular seasonal flu vaccine already. The H1N1 is being rolled out. And from what I understand, you have to have the regular one before you can get it. So everybody, do it now. The shots are readily available - even some supermarket pharmacies are giving them out.