
Dan Riehl: Murdered Census Worker Had Teh Ghey

iceweasel10/03/2009 6:36:19 pm PDT

re: #192 beekiller

What an ignorant ass. In all my years of working with children who have been molested and raped…I have yet to deal with(or hear of such a case at my work.) a homosexual offender.

Unfortunately that is a popular smear— the claim that all male homosexuals are paedophiles, that ‘they’ want to ‘convert’ our children, and the like. It’s one reason why many good people who are teachers and gay remain closeted for work reasons.

Paedophilia of course is a crime and has absolutely nothing to do with love or consent, and so it’s equally repellent to heterosexual and homosexual people and everything in between.

It’s no more accurate to call a male paedophile who targets male children ‘gay’ than it would be to call one who targets female children ‘straight’. Their sexual orientation isn’t about adults or normal relationships at all. It’s about hurting children.