
Video: The Big Mist Take

BryanS11/24/2009 9:31:27 pm PST

re: #207 Rightwingconspirator

re: #188 Thanos
re: #197 Sharmuta

All I can say is they must, utterly must keep it civil. Other movements have used this tactic, some who failed some who prevailed. In my humble view, this is uncomfortable, but acceptable. Would MLK have done as well if his people did not use CD? Please understand I am setting aside the issue at hand, and thinking in longer terms. Decades, issues come and go.

But we cannot just set aside the issue at hand. The issues selected for civil disobedience are all about negative enforcement of rights. It would be akin to arguing moral equivalence of using civil disobedience used to forbid black students from attending a whites only high school with MLK’s use of civil disobedience to demand desegregation of busing.

It’s not the same.