
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/12/2012 5:45:50 am PDT

re: #215 sattv4u2

“many” were

But even more weren’t

Like any running mate (regardless of party) there are going to be a faction of people that are displeased with it

Do you think the dems were 100% united behind Biden? I seem to recall a huge push for Hillary (DREAM TICKET, I believe they were calling it)

Many on the right weren’t thrilled that Bush chose Cheney (“recycled ,,we need fresh and new,,, a woman or a minority”)

Fair points but the preemptive reaction to the very thought that McCain was considering Lieberman was more against than those who were in favor. I remember reading about people threatening not to vote. I don’t doubt that there were some in favor of Lieberman but they were judging by the reaction a minority compared to those who wanted McCain to choose someone else. I understand why. Many on the left had a similar reaction when Kerry was rumored to have considered McCain himself in 2004. It’s natural not to want someone from another party as the number 2 especially if that someone only four years prior had ran for president in that party.