
Live Video: Festival of the Wingnuts, Day 2

Kragar3/15/2013 12:20:31 pm PDT

Accused Steubenville rapist’s text: Victim was like ‘dead body’ that night

Two suspects, 17-year-old Trent Mays and 16-year-old Ma’lik Richmond are facing rape charges and are being tried in joint trials in Steubenville. Both boys are players on the town’s champion football team, a factor which has purportedly clouded the investigation and caused prosecutors to drag their feet rather than risk opprobrium by dragging two of the town’s young heroes before the court.

Nonetheless, the texts, pulled from the phones of 17 students, paint a damning portrait of Mays and his codefendant, as well as many of the town’s young people. The messages range from profane to disturbing, enraging to pathetically sad.

The sheer volume of texted information taken in as part of the investigation was like nothing Katie Hanna of the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Assault had ever seen before, one of the largest cell phone culls in state history.

“It was an extraordinary level of evidence and detail,” said Hanna. “I’ve never heard of anything like it.”

On the August, 2012 night in question, Mays and Richardson allegedly took photos and video as they manually penetrated the dazed, unconscious girl and allowed other boys to urinate on her. The victim, a 16-year-old West Virginia girl attended a neighboring high school and was either very drunk or under the influence of drugs on the night of the assaults.

At 2:20 a.m., when a friend texted to ask Mays what he was doing, he replied, “We’re hitting it for real.”

Texts followed from other boys seeking lurid details. “Did you fuck her?” they asked.

Mays sent out images of the assault, including images taken in of him in a car inserting his fingers into the unconscious girl’s vagina.

“Hey buddy,” one student texted, “you want to send me that pic because you love me?”

Some of the boys called her “the dead girl” and opined that intercourse with her would not be pleasurable in her unconscious state.

“LOL,” Mays replied, “she couldn’t even move.”

The girl, he wrote, “was like a dead body.” He claimed he didn’t try to orally sodomize her because she “would have thrown up.”

Among the texts Gibb read to the court were subsequent messages from the victim, whose memories of the whole night were lost to whatever deadening substances were in her system at the time. Friends contacted her as images from the night of the alleged assaults began to circulate on the web and between the teenagers’ smart phones.

“If that is [semen] on you that is fucking crazy,” a friend texted her.

“I hate my life,” the victim wrote. “I don’t even know what the fuck happened to me.”

“OK, tell me right now what the fuck happened last night and don’t lie to me,” she wrote to Mays. “We need to talk about this right now.”

“Nothing happen [sic] last night,” Mays replied. “You fucked last night and that’s it.”

In an email she sent Mays later, she wrote, “Why the fuck would you let that happen … seriously, you have no fucking respect … why wouldn’t you try to help me?”

The question could be applied to any of the teenagers who were aware of the crime as it happened. One boy, 16-year-old Michael Nodianos, made a video where he laughed about the rape, making jokes and saying of the victim, “She is so raped right now.”