
CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy Photo Gallery, Featuring Cowboy Reagan

calochortus3/08/2014 7:53:47 pm PST

re: #54 jaunte

So I went and looked up the book “How Money Walks”. The author is both nuts and deceptive (how surprising.) The thesis is that income and business activity move from states with high taxes to ones with low taxes.
This ties in with dividing CA into 6 states because he seems to feel that the coast from San Francisco down to Los Angeles are suffering from a loss of rich people and peeling them off will be good for places like Sacramento.

There is a nice takedown of his points here from a group in Oklahoma.

I would just ask my basic question of: If wealth is fleeing the SF area, why can’t you buy a decent house anywhere within commute distance for less than $500,000 or so?