
Did the Justice Department Really "Bad-Mouth" Glenn Greenwald to Muslim Leaders? Uh, Nope.

Rightwingconspirator7/12/2014 5:12:30 pm PDT

Glad I’m not President

N. Korea fires two ballistic missiles: Japan
2014/07/13 08:51

TOKYO, July 13 (Yonhap) — North Korea is believed to have fired two ballistic missiles into the East Sea on Sunday, Japan’s Defense Ministry said.

The missiles were launched from around the North’s southern border city of Kaesong at 1:20 a.m., flew about 500 kilometers and landed in the East Sea, according to Japan’s Kyodo News agency.
Reprocessing plant to give Japan enough plutonium for 2,000 bombs a year: US expert
2014/07/12 02:59
WASHINGTON, July 11 (Yonhap) — Japan would be able to produce enough plutonium to make about 2,000 atomic bombs a year if a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in the country’s northeast goes into operation, a U.S. nuclear nonproliferation expert has warned.