
Yes, It's Yet Another Deluge of Open Racism at Breitbart "News"

Retrograde8/12/2014 2:21:25 pm PDT

re: #213 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

No , I think the real problem here is your animus towards anyone who fails to think exactly like you . I want to hear all the facts . You take that as somehow cutting slack for the cop . And who is claiming Psychic powers ? Premonitions are real , that’s my opinion . Why are you looking for a new avenue of attack ?
I sad I thought it odd , I said I wanted to know all the facts of that shooting . I asked if there was a dash cam video as most cop cars have , I want to know if someone has recorded this event on their cell phone . Do you find those questions out of line ? I did not suggest or imply that the actions of the cop were justified .