
Don Henley Live on Austin City Limits: "The Heart of the Matter"

Pawn of the Oppressor10/24/2015 6:35:11 pm PDT

re: #198 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I’ve argued in the past that while the Soviet Union would have defeated Germany whether or not we launched the D-Day invasion, the end result of that invasion was that the Iron Curtain was in Germany instead of the French coast.

Letting the Soviets have Europe… Wow… That’s a mind-fck to ponder. The UK really would have been “Airstrip One” in the Orwellian sense. The tide of refugees from Europe would have been enormous. Anti-communist paranoia over here in the U.S. would have been off the scale. Everybody to the left of Genghis Khan would have been under a microscope and I suspect a lot of leftist parties overseas would have welcomed a Soviet France. Imagine all the left-wing parties in Europe being not a marginal minority, but a real power bloc backed by the guys who owned the whole continent?

Nuclear war would have probably broken out VERY soon after the defeat of Germany, at the first sign of even the smallest crisis. World War 2 would probably have segued right into what we would now call WW3 almost immediately and to be honest, I’m not sure the West would have won it.

The whole world would have probably ended up looking something like Europe in the 1300s… Imagine weird post-limited-nuclear fiefdoms living in fear or cooperation with the Soviets as the dominant power, and little pockets of capitalism trying to survive here and there. Who would lead the non-Communist states? Argentina?

I’ve heard now and again that Patton thought we should have kept on going east and fought the Russians once Germany was cleared out. I know the sentiment existed but the possible consequences would have made today’s world a paradise by comparison.