
Transcripts of Trump's Calls With Foreign Leaders Leaked, and Wow, Are They Ever Bizarre

Jay C8/03/2017 2:27:22 pm PDT

re: #210 Barefoot Grin

If anyone is thinking of watching Trump’s campaign rally event in WV I’d suggest to listen very, very carefully to see if you can detect any truths.

1, I’m wondering why you would think there would be much of an audience here for another Presidential fecal-flood? In real-time, anyway: we can always be appropriately appalled via media/online recaps….

2. I’m guessing the Mueller/grand-jury revelation is going to drive whatever BS Trump hokes up in WV right off the news - except for Fox, naturally* ; which, of course, will probably trigger another unhinged Tweetstorm from the Executive Toilet Mansion tomorrow morning. Unless Gen. Kelly is right there to confiscate his cellphone….

* who will probably go with minute-by-minute coverage punctuated with breathless admiration: followed by a couple of hours of adulatory “analysis” by blond talking-heads back at their studios. Followed by more hours of studious outrage at Hillary Clinton’s email “crimes”, and “why isn’t Susan Rice in jail?”