
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Mustache Rides (NSFW)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/10/2019 6:58:30 pm PST

re: #166 stpaulbear

My fantasy about this is that it gets so bad that four Rs decide to change parties and caucus with the Ds, and Schumer becomes the senate leader. You’d think there’d be at least half a dozen R senators that are feeling desperate…

Mitch McConnell is effectively the dictator of the government, and Trump is merely a figurehead at this point.

Those four might also choose to make the final leap to seize control for one-party governance.

I blame President Eisenhower. The GOP was nearly dead because it was so hated after the Great Depression it was on the brink of collapse. He ran in their party to make them more competitive, reviving the GOP.