
Trump Tries to Bully Nancy Pelosi Into Giving Him the House Floor for His Dystopian State of the Union Speech - UPDATE: Pelosi Responds: "Nope"

Scottish Dragon1/23/2019 2:00:35 pm PST

Dreher really hates uppity injuns…

The more I read about that liar activist Nathan Phillips, the angrier I get about him. He’s like a third-rate Saul Alinsky. Now Catholic News Agency reports that he and his merry band of righteous dudes tried to invade the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception during mass on Saturday — this, after they instigated the confrontation with the Covington Catholic kids down by the Lincoln Memorial. CNA quotes a security guard at the shrine saying Phillips and his crew tried to enter the basilica chanting and banging on a drum while mass was going on.

Not like we haven’t been shitting all over Native Americans for 500 years, but who is counting?