
Something You Won't See Every Day: Lachy Doley, "Voodoo Child" (On the Whammy Clavinet))

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/25/2021 3:39:51 pm PDT

re: #209 ipsos

I’m not a California voter, but if I were one, I’d be mightily pissed at the state Democrats for not putting a solid candidate forward on the second half of the recall ballot.

Sure, the best scenario is that “no” wins the recall vote, hopefully by a substantial margin, but given the very real possibility that frustrated voters push “yes” over the edge, why in the world would you want to then surrender the ballot entirely to RWNJs? Did they learn nothing from Gray Davis?

I am pissed, and no they didn’t.

The Democratic party in general has some “issues”, and I’m sure we can all list them if needed, but in California they are a completely different thing than the rest of the country. They are still obviously several orders of magnitude better than the Republicans, but that’s a low bar to pass now. Kamala Harris is a good exception to this, but in general I never want any of these clowns anywhere near the White House. Especially if they started off in LA City government. You see a former mayor of Los Angeles on the ballot for anything above dog-catcher… RUN.