
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Dangerman4/18/2022 9:52:30 am PDT

as you all may or may not know, I’ve been training for next month’s Keys100 50k ultramarathon.

And I wrote that the entire family has come down to visit us and dangermom/grandma for two weeks.

Brother and SIL and niece #2 from Philly.
Niece #1 from Israel.
Sister from North Carolina.
So we’re having an absolute ball (even the pineapple pizza incident.)

Nieces used to run with me in the past. Niece 1 ran a lot when she was in the Israeli army. Niece 2 ran track in school for a while but it really wasn’t for her.

Both now independent adults with jobs, they asked to run with me this last week. We’ve been having a great time on my shorter runs. They’ve both been able to jump in and manage 3 miles at a fair pace. They get honorable mentions for helping me train. But they don’t get hats. The race day crew gets hats:

Niece 1 wanted to know what was going on here at LGF. I think to keep an eye on my posts (of which there hasn’t been a pond post for months…)

Anyway, she registered this morning as Superspy, but probably isn’t on right now.

She is her own woman and is ready to explain her position on all things pizza.
And I told her to be prepared with snacks.

Dummy up if she asks where the beach is.