
Gitmo Inmates to Be Released in US, Given 'Assistance'

ilzito guacamolito3/27/2009 9:11:09 am PDT

Tangential topic -
Upon arriving in the United States in 1949 with her two teenage sons, my paternal grandmother nervously asked her husband, “Are you sure the communists won’t attack us here?” My grandfather replied, “Yes. Unfortunately this country will be destroyed from within.”
Most of my ethnic friends’ families also sought refuge in this bastion of liberty. That is what makes the betrayal of this country and its principles by a majority of them on November 4, 2009 all the more maddening. My repeated calls of “The emperor has no clothes!” fell on deaf ears and I am sure that I was painted as anything but patriotic in my absence. I was called alarmist, because I warned of coming socialism and was basically told that I didn’t actually know what was heading our way and maybe, just maybe it would turn out that whatever did come might be good for me. Ha! “I was told that I didn’t actually know…” Isn’t that telling? That means all of these people voted for someone about whom they knew nothing and cared not that they didn’t. This photo from election eve put a chill up my spine nearly five months ago and still does. I cannot begin to describe my father’s reaction. Well, here we now sit and my clarion calls are coming to fruition in spades. I cannot wait to see which one dares be the first to bait me.
Thank you allowing me to vent. I thank Charles for allowing me the privilege of doing so in such a premier venue.