
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

SixDegrees8/18/2009 2:24:45 pm PDT

re: #183 Kosh’s Shadow

I’m talking about criminal cases, not civil cases. These can’t drag on forever like civil cases.

If you were charged criminally, and had the court date set, even if you’ve made a plea deal, the state doesn’t have to offer it to you, and the judge doesn’t have to accept it. They can say “We go to trial, now.”
Would you want your attorney ready? Remember, the plea deal doesn’t get confirmed until the trial date, and you cannot change the date just because your attorney isn’t prepared.
So you pay for the trial preparation, or meet your new wife, Bubba, with your honeymoon in the steel bar suite.

Didn’t happen in these cases, that’s for sure. They were resolved far too quickly.