
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

suchislife12/23/2009 1:20:38 pm PST

re: #207 albusteve

Ok, I’m gonna help you know “the shit from the shinola”: it’s really not even about art. If I say, Hitler is the greatest! than that’s not good. But if I say, Hitler was a mass murderer! That’s perfectly fine. But look, I used Hitler in both sentences! Still, they’re different.
Now, art is sometimes a little (or a lot) more difficult to understand then plain language (though that can be hard too), but if you put a militaristic leader in makeup and equate him with Marilyn Monroe, you are imo obviously not complimenting the man in a way he would appreciate.
The weirdest thing about this debate here is that Warhol highlights the fact that certain iconic pictures loose their meaning through mass reproduction, and all your “they think Che is just a fashion statement!” whining says the same thing!