
Andrew Breitbart: Rep. John Lewis is Lying

9Iron3/26/2010 11:19:07 am PDT

177 HappyWarrior

I like your reply (not necessarily that it matters!)

My point is that most dems had a reasonable disagreement during the Bush years, and a few idiots made it seem like anarchy. Most repubs have a reasonable disagreement with Obama, and the coverage of the bad apples is neither representative of the right, and media coverage is not in line with what was shown during the Bush years. Reasonable people can disagree, obviously, but when the opposition is portrayed as a frothing at the mouth rabid bunch of bible thumping, sheet wearing rednecks it tends to discredit the movement before the message even gets delivered. The media turned a blind eye to much of the violence of the protesters during the 2000’s and running wild with the small minority during the early 2010’s.