
Orly's New Line of Attack: Have Obama Prosecuted for War Crimes

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/26/2010 12:36:19 pm PDT

re: #200 Locker

True. They are non-existent on the left, contrary to other claims. Personally, they seem like some sort of trumped up “see they are crazy too” scapegoat to some right-siders. The way their name is tossed around LGF and the context is so similar to the ACORN scapegoat talk it’s not even funny.

Code Pink.
They’ve been in the news a lot but are seldom identified as anything more than “antiwar activists”:

* January 20, 2005: Code Pink protesters infiltrated President G.W. Bush’s second inaugural address, unfurling banners and heckling the president during his speech.[10] The group reportedly received VIP passes from unidentified members of Congress, and were eventually escorted out of the area by police.[11]

* September 21, 2006: Code Pink staged a peace march that blocked traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. Code Pink received permits allowing them to march after the morning commute hours at 10:00am. Instead, the group began an illegal walk toward the center of the span at 7:30am. They left by 10:00am with no injuries or accidents reported.[12]

* March 20, 2007: a Code Pink protester interrupted a Hillary Rodham Clinton fundraiser in Washington DC and was removed by security.[13] This was one of a series of Code Pink protests against Senator Clinton; a week later, five Code Pink members confronted her at the legislative-political conference of the Communications Workers of America.[14]

* March 22, 2007: several Code Pink protestors were arrested outside the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi after announcing their intent to take over her office. Code Pink was protesting that the majority Democratic Party had not stopped war funding.[15]

* September 10, 2007: Code Pink attended General David Petraeus’ Congressional testimony. Petraeus testified that security objectives in Iraq were largely being met and that a long-term effort there was needed. Members of Code Pink protested, interrupting the general’s testimony and were subsequently removed. Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO) banged his gavel, attempted to restore order, and informed the protesters of possible legal ramifications of their actions.[16]

* September 2007 onward: Code Pink began holding weekly counter-recruitment protests in front of the United States Marine Corps Officer Selection Office located in Berkeley, California.[17][18] These protests escalated into the broader Berkeley Marine Corps Recruiting Center controversy.

* October 24, 2007: Desiree Ali-Fairooz approached Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with red paint on her hands and shouted “The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands!” She was immediately arrested.[19]

* September 4, 2008: At the 2008 Republican National Convention, a Code Pink activist attempted to confront nominee John McCain onstage while he was giving his acceptance speech. Secret Service stopped the activist before she reached the stage.[20]

* December 12, 2008: Code Pink announced its plans to invest in Iranian wind energy in hopes “to defy sanctions and build peaceful relations” with the government of Iran.[21]

* June 3, 2009: Code Pink flew a banner that said “End the siege of Gaza” at President Obama’s Muslim-outreach speech at Cairo University.[22]

* December 31, 2009: Code Pink is one of the organizers of the historic Gaza Freedom March on December 31, 2009 which will bring over 1,300 people from more than 43 countries to join the Palestinians of Gaza in a non-violent, mass march to the Israeli border.[23]

Their iconic stunt, though, was bringing a pink papier-mache tank to an antiwar rally soon after their founding.