
Overnight Video: President Obama's Speech in Newtown

Birth Control Works12/17/2012 6:09:19 am PST

re: #214 Vicious Michigan Union Thug

Anything that is a “traditional” food that people make at holiday time out of obligation, not because anybody actually likes it, is usually horrific.

Some examples:

The “3 bean salad” that your cousin Edie brings to every family Thanksgiving (which her mother, and her mother before her also brought) that nobody eats.

Passover Borscht. Useful in suppressing massive fart attacks.

Passover Schav Borscht (borscht made from leaves. It’s from when people were starving in Russia and had nothing else to eat)

Anyone else want to share examples of horrific holiday food?

Green Bean Casserole —actually, any casserole.