
Fox News' Andrea Tantaros: 'Is The Obama Daughter Going On Birth Control?'

Lidane5/05/2013 9:13:59 am PDT

re: #216 Dark_Falcon

Officeholders can’t make Beck go away, though. Hell, Fox News let him go and still he’s got a following. You should blame a political party for someone it can’t control who does not serve it in any relevant capacity.

The point is, his unhinged ranting and raving has an effect on the GOP’s troglodyte base. Same goes for other nutcases like Alex Jones and El Rushbo. Their idiocy and their Bad Crazy influences the party even if they’re not elected officials. Why do you think the teahadist House is going to try tilting at the Obamacare windmill again when they KNOW it’s going to die in the Senate?

Yes, Beck is relevant. So are Jones, Limbaugh, Coultergeist, and the rest. They’re the ones setting the tone for what passes for conservative in this country and for what kinds of candidates get elected by the GOP. This shit matters.