
Guardian Author Says Mysterious Godlike Entity Deleted Text for His Snowden Book as He Was Typing

Gus2/20/2014 4:30:50 pm PST
Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 7m

Are words really more offensivethan denying Ft Hood was terrorism

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 8m

Are words really more offensivethan Brian Terrys murder

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 9m

Are words really more offensivethan claiming 4 dead Americans dont matter

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 10m

Are words really more offensivethan fast & furious

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 10m

Are words really more offensivethan lying about Benghazi

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 12m

Are words really more offensivethan refusal of accountability

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 13m

Are words really more offensivethan the runawayfraud deceit & gvt corruption

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 22m

Are words really more offensivethan abandoning Americans held by our enemies

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 22m

Are words really more offensivethan ignoring threats against America

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 23m

Are words really more offensivethan bribing & rewarding bloodsuckers & conartists

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 25m

Are words really more offensivethan supporting partial birth abortion murder

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 26m

Are words really more offensivethan the scam of economic equality

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 27m

Are words really more offensivethan the scam of social justice

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 28m

Are words really more offensivethan buying votes

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 28m

Are words really more offensivethan enslaving the uneducated

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 29m

Are words really more offendive than punishing the producers

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 29m

Are words reallyoreoffensivethan hating America

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 30m

Are words really more offensivethan racial preferences

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 31m

Are words really more offensivethan fundamentally transforming America

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 32m

Are words really more offensivethan violating your oath of office

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 32m

Are words really more offensivethan infringing on 2A rights

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 33m

Are words really more offensive than denying vets proper medical treatment

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 34m

Are words really more offensivethan making the poor poorer

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 35m

Are words really more offensivethan an anti education system

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 35m

Are words really more offensivethan the racist knockout game

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 36m

Are words really more offensivethan Al not so Sharpton racism

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 37m

Are words really more offensivethan forcing Americans to buy healthcare for others

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 38m

Are words really more offensivethan government spying on Americans

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 38m

Are words really more offensivethan the death tax

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 39m

Are words really more offensivethan trampling the US Constitution

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 40m

Are words really more offensivethan blackpanthers threatening voters

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 41m

Are words really more offensivethan jackboots raiding Gibson guitars

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 42m

Are words really more offensivethan government out of control

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 42m

Are words really more offensivethan engineered recidivism

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 43m

Are words really more offensivethan engineered unemployment

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 44m

Are words really more offensivethan a biased lying media

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 44m

Are words really more offensivethan the Saul Alinsky klan

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 45m

Are words really more offensivethan presidential lies

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 46m

Are words really more offensivethan Pilosi’s vulgar abuse of power

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 46m

Are words really more offensivethan denying Ft Hood heroes their just due

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 47m

Are words really more offensivethan Obama Mao redistribution

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 48m

Are words really more offensivethan criminal IRS jackboots

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 49m

Are words really more offensivethan a gunrunning attorney general

Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 50m

Are words really more offensivethan 5 dead Americans on Obamaswatch