
Tuesday Night Mind-Warp: Li Hongbo: Statues in Motion

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/26/2014 5:40:44 am PST

re: #214 Justanotherhuman

The same site that has this video “Plan to Break California into six states” and this one, “3 Stupid Things You Do With Your Credit Card”.

Oh, yeah. Bitcoin attracts more than a healthy share of crackpots from the Ron Paul fringe. If I were a sociologist looking for a thesis topic, the Bitcoin community would keep me busy for decades. You’ve got the “nuke the Fed” cranks, goldbugs, computer geeks, dudebros, speculators, professional or semi-pro investors, and a host of idjits (including some who have put all their disposable income into Bitcoins). Predominantly male technophiles, some with rather restricted social skills.

Sitting at top are the dot-com wunderkinds like Andreessen and the Winklevoss twins who are only distinguishable from the rest by their immense wealth.