
Columbia Journalism School Review Finds "Major Failures" in Rolling Stone's UVA Rape Story

Reality Based Steve4/05/2015 11:02:38 pm PDT

Well, I’ve renewed my vehicle registration on-line (only 2 bucks extra, worth it to avoid the clerks office), dinner dishes are put away, email and stuff is caught up on, my work here is done.

Trying to pick a web hosting company. I DON’T want to have to start writing code or doing this one from scratch, it’s just going to be a personal site, a little blogging perhaps, post some photos, maybe some technical articles about stuff I know.

Been looking at Wix (I’ve worked on some of their stuff before, like the builder and most of the features, but not crazy about having to pay 5 bucks a month extra for each email acct.)

GoDaddy is an option, I’ve used them in the past, and well, they are better than some out there.

Gatorhosting looks attractive also.

Any recommendations. I’m not looking to code and design, looking for something that will do a drag-drop site builder type app with plenty of templates to play with.