
Full Frontal Video: Amy Hoggart Discovers Why Finland Doesn't Fall for Fake News

CongoJack10/16/2017 9:09:33 am PDT

re: #217 HappyWarrior

Didn’t know that about Calvin and Knox. Even though, I’m no longer religious, I can definitely say the Catholic tradition has played a role perhaps indirectly in shaping me for who I am. You’ve talked about Coach Lombardi before, he practiced a similar kind of Catholicism that my Dad’s parents did- a love and tolerance for all regardless of their differences and a deep desire to see helping humanity as the primary goal rather than saving souls.

I agree on your point of view of what Catholicism should be - speaking as a former Catholic and Catholic schooled (K-12) individual. But when the Catholic school made me protest abortion (if I didn’t I would have failed religion class - this was in mid 1990s - and they took us to Tillerson’s clinic in Wichita) and when the priest read a letter from the Bishop at the end of mass telling us to vote for McCain (not Obama) because of the evils of abortion I was completely done with it. I have no issues with Catholicism - I have issues with the RW Bishops of this country that do not follow the teaching of Jesus and do not follow the example of our current great Pope.