
George Will's Climate Change Column, Part 3

Optimizer2/27/2009 10:50:04 pm PST

1) I’m not seeing where Will did much, if anything, wrong. If anything, the hysteria about his articles is really telling. His basic point - that much has been made of sea ice changes, while the current sea ice level is comparable to what it was 30 years ago, is valid.

2) 30 years of history isn’t long enough for this sort of thing anyway. Nobody really knows how sea ice has varied over the decades & centuries. Hell, the poles were first visited by people only about 100 years ago.

3) But it’s all a distraction from the bigger point, which is “Who cares?” Even if sea ice melts, it doesn’t change the ocean levels anyway, and the other implications of lower levels are purely speculative.

4) The argument against AGW is straightforward. AGW is entirely based on computer models which have not been validated - their results have not been shown to correlate with the real world. Quite to the contrary, they have predicted significant warming over the last decade, due to the increased CO2 that DID materialize, but the real world temperatures crested, and seem to be starting to fall. One might say the models have been proven invalid. A legit scientist would be looking for a better theory, not denying reality and predicting the end of the world anyway. The AGW crowd are the “flat-Earthers” and “deniers”.

5) A warmer Earth has always proven to be beneficial to mankind (and life in general). Granted, there must be a limit to that, but nobody’s even predicted that much warming for the next century. Further, the dreaded CO2 is not only non-toxic, but it is literally plant food. Being afraid of a warmer world, and of CO2, is quite literally insane.

6) 90% of the world’s ice is on Antarctica, which is at about -50degF. The Earth would have to warm by 80degF for it to melt, and cause problems on our shores. And even if that happened, it would take a long time to occur. Heat of fusion, and all.