
Anti-Abortion Group Claims Scott Roeder is 'Not One of Us'

elcaro6/01/2009 12:32:59 pm PDT
Note to anti-abortion groups: man up and take responsibility for Scott Roeder. He’s one of yours. Obviously, not everyone who belongs to a “pro-life” group will go to such extreme lengths as Scott Roeder apparently did, but it’s long past time for you folks to start dialing down the rhetoric and acting more responsibly — before anyone else is hurt or killed in a shooting or an abortion clinic bombing.

Sorry, but I think you overstep with this statement… I’m holding back on a lot of hypothetical situations. However, I’ll allow myself one… If it was discovered that a mentally unstable individual posted occasionally on this site and committed murder at a mosque, would you feel responsible? should you? It doesn’t really matter how much control you feel you have over a community, there will always be a few nut-jobs out there….