

219 5:12:25 pm PDT

re: #128 ShanghaiEd

A quick question for the assembled, as LGF is one of my few portals to the contemporary (i.e., people who are not old farts like me) culture:

In the supermarket parking lot today, a little sports car had the vanity tag FRAGGR.

In my experience, the only meaning of “fragger” is a military one, and it’s not something you’d necessarily want on your license plate.

What does “frag” and “fragger” connote among young people, nowadays?

Thanks for your help.

Ed - I found this “non-military” definition at the Urban Dictionary:
fragger 23 up, 3 down
Online gaming term, a killer, or to “frag”, used in First-person shooters
*Has just won a game*
Man im a pro fragger

You might want to bookmark the urban dictionary, as I have. I often need it.