
The Guantanamo 'Suicides' - A Cover-Up?

Walter L. Newton1/21/2010 10:26:16 am PST

re: #211 jamesfirecat

I’m saying that its perfectly natural for democrats to be dissapointed in any given democratic president, and it doesn’t mean his Presidency is a failure. Democrats are a lot more likely to squabble amongst themselves then Republicans are…

And that means what? The fact of the matter is, he is a disappointment many of his own supporters. Listen to Thom Hartman, listen to Chris Matthews, listen to Ed Shultz, read Huffington, read Kos, pay attention.

These are all people and places that 9 months ago were treating Obama like the second coming. The polls were all shooting favorably through the roof.

And now, when there is evidently problems (and I will say it again, the metric I use is his supporters, you, PT Barnum)… you wiggle and squirm trying to balme it on how I feel, what I think or even if I care or not.

It’s yours Ranger, embrace it and deal with it, no one is going to hold you little hand, you’re on your own.