
Video: Tea Party Convention Attendees Speak

Scottish Dragon2/13/2010 1:05:39 pm PST

re: #204 keloyd

In order give context, we should have a youtube clip of the moonbats going at it at the last world bank meeting or up at the olympics. Speaking as a center-right person who hates on Palin and Orly Taitz as much as anyone, our least articulate, most costumificated, most naive activists are more clean, less vulgar, and less of a threat to others’ property and safety than the equivalent left wing demonstrators.

Does that include the guys showing up with AR-15 rifles and Glocks, or the ones carrying signs that read:

We came unarmed…this time!”

I’m sorry, but in a number of threads elsewhere, I have read any number of posts where far right wing types derisively note that most Lefties are not armed and that he (the commenter) is…and when (Gay marriage/the New World Order Takeover/Black Helicopters land on his house/whatever) happens, the “libtards” will find out what happens when they take protest signs to a gun fight.

Easy to dismiss as anonymous bullshit bravado, at least until I saw people with rifles at “rallies” last summer.

I’m not laughing now.