
Got Two Big Fish in Iraq

garhighway4/20/2010 2:32:48 pm PDT

re: #172 rwdflynavy

When folks act like we invaded Iraq with no real reason, I think it is appropriate to remind them that there were some events way back in the olden days (the 90’s) that might have played a role…context is important.

I don’t think anyone believes we invaded for no reason. I think a LOT of people think that the Bush team was not candid about the reason. It seemed obvious at the time that Bush and Cheney made the decision first and built the case second.

A t least a couple of the proffered reasons were disingenuous. The “Saddam was complicit in 9/11” theme was horseshit, but Cheney peddled it a lot. The WMD argument was plausible, but we now know that Cheney pushed hard to cherry-pick the facts supporting that argument. The “treaty violations” argument is frankly new to me: I don’t recall hearing that one at the time. And then there was the “we can re-make the Mideast” argument, which was a breathtaking example of hubris.

Since the ostensible reasons were being put forth in what seems like bad faith, it makes me wonder if there was a deeper reason that we haven’t heard yet. I have always wondered about that. I doubt we’ll ever know.