
Gingrich Calls for Ban on Sharia Law, Which is Just About to Take Over

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/20/2010 6:52:46 am PDT

Wow. So I read a bunch of foodie blogs.

They’re going absolutely fucking bugnuts
over the new Senate food safety bill.

This is the most sane take on it:

And it appears that it’s been amended since then to allay some of those concerns:

However, the funny part is that the Teaparty types are getting involved too— because they see it as a step towards federalization and eventual UN takeover of our food supply.

The bill is probably more favorable to factory farms than it is to small producers, because the factory farms can lobby far more effectively. However, from a rough reading, it does seem to do some necessary and sensible things.

The problems with factory farms need to be addressed, certainly, but the amount of outrage over this bill is amazing to me.

I made a page for this: