
American Taliban Leader David Barton: The Bible Should Rule the World

Walter L. Newton4/17/2011 1:01:51 pm PDT

re: #201 Gus 802

Nothing beats a book you can read in bed. Hence why I like paperbacks. You can fold them over in half and read one page while you lie in bed on your side. No need to start at the television screen computer monitor. No need to feed the Apple trough and keep Steve Jobs wealthy beyond imagination. No need to “keep up with the Jones” buying the latest Apple gadget that has to be updated and powered.

I just made Steve Jobs richer.. I made almost a grand cash last week on my part time, off and on, programming gig for Kaiser… so, I took a bit of that unexpected money and upgraded myself… to an Ipod Touch 4th generation.

Goody… ISO 4.3.2 here I come.

I’ve never been a big fan of Apple computers, but the Touch is a gem, no two ways about it.