
Mitt Romney Says All Muslims Aren't Violent Terrorists, Pamela Geller Freaks Right Out

RogueOne12/10/2011 6:44:57 am PST

Family of similar child is caught in baby Lisa nightmare
Since Northland girl vanished, police and strangers have demanded Overland Park parents prove identity of their child.

Shortly after baby Lisa Irwin disappeared in October, Amy noticed other shoppers looking at her and her 10-month-old baby, Lucy, in the supermarket.

“I saw people peering down the aisles at me,” the Overland Park mother said. “But I convinced myself that they were probably just looking for a can of green beans or something.”

Then three older women surrounded her.

“How old is your baby?” they asked. One of them pulled down Lucy’s blanket and lifted the baby’s dress to inspect her legs.

Other shoppers whispered and pointed Amy’s way.

“They think this is baby Lisa,” she realized. The woman was checking Lucy’s leg for the birthmark on Lisa Irwin’s right thigh.

The incident — one of hundreds of potential baby Lisa sightings reported to police — ended with Overland Park officers following Amy home and leaving only after she presented Lucy’s vaccination records and insurance card.