
John Derbyshire Is Just a Little Too Openly Racist for NRO

goddamnedfrank4/07/2012 10:16:16 pm PDT

re: #210 windupbird is in the gravity well

of course it wasn’t a real threat, dude just wants traffic on his blog

that’s the internet, that’s how it works

The threat wasn’t real but the dude is genuinely paranoid. I mean he’s on tape ranting away about his history (bullshit though it be) of stabbing muslims and cutting their faces. Now he’s being confronted with the prospect of that rant falling into the hands of local real life muslims so that they might be aware of the physical threat he could pose to their community. We’re talking about someone so Islamophobic that he was talking about nuking Mecca before he got on anyone’s radar. What does something like this do to the brain of a wannabe gangster, whose fantasies can’t even cope with the idea of being alone and involved in a conflict, who even in delusion wants/seeks/needs the protection of belonging to some group?

Personally I feel sorry for the guy, textbook coward.