
Friday Night Jam: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Man on Fire

Birth Control Works6/02/2012 5:16:46 am PDT

re: #196 Obdicut

I think most people realize that Romney might get elected, with all that means— a further destruction of the US’s science standards, continued AGW denial, further widening of the income disparity, crippling our economy, appointment of judges and Supreme Court justices who will further break down barriers between church and state, sweeping restrictions against women’s rights, etc. etc.

There’s a lot of people in the country that actively want those things, or who stubbornly refuse to give up their Ayn Rand view of economics even with all the recent banking debacles and the failures of austerity policies. That they’re wrong in the most easily demonstrable way doesn’t take away their right to vote.

I can’t understand the adherence to Ayn Rand by the Right. She was anti-religion and very much Pro-science. I don’t think her economic policies were quite what the Right thinks they are. She seemed to think every one could or would want to succeed if given the freedom to compete. Strange idealist, but I never saw her as Right Wing —she believed in abortion for Bob’s sake.