
Horrifying Video: Fertilizer Plant Explosion Near Waco, Texas

austin_blue4/17/2013 9:35:36 pm PDT

Okay, I’m going to post this and then duck. But I think it’s important.

Two days ago, a crazy fucking shitbag, or maybe two, placed some bombs in Boston. They killed three people and caused almost 200 injuries, including traumatic amputations, the photos of which were posted around the world.

It was awful, and shocked the nation.

Earlier tonight, an industrial accident in a small town called West, Texas, killed, at last report, 70 people, including six first responders.

As cynical as this comment is, which incident will remain in the public eye?

And why?

Dead is fucking dead.

Compared to workplace or industrial incidents, being killed by a terrorist attack is infinitesimally small.

Are we that interested in commercial ad ratings for TV news, or should we be interested in promoting the common good by keeping this kind of industrial accident from happening again?

Boston is sexy, West is podunk. That sucks.

I’m serious. Please discuss.