
Tuesday Night Jam: David Byrne & St. Vincent - I Should Watch TV

Targetpractice5/14/2013 6:05:07 pm PDT

“They’re singling out Tea Party groups! This is political censorship!”

Oh wait…

IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row

The Internal Revenue Service, under pressure after admitting it targeted anti-tax Tea Party groups for scrutiny in recent years, also had its eye on at least three Democratic-leaning organizations seeking nonprofit status.

One of those groups, Emerge America, saw its tax-exempt status denied, forcing it to disclose its donors and pay some taxes. None of the Republican groups have said their applications were rejected.


Tax agency officials told lawmakers in a briefing yesterday that 471 groups received additional scrutiny, a total that indicates a crackdown on politically active nonprofit groups that extends beyond the Tea Party outfits.

So in the last 24 hours we’ve learned that ABC intentionally falsified quotes, Holder recused himself from a totally legitimate investigation into a national security issue, and now we learn that all the talk about Tea Party groups being the only ones singled out is bunk.

This, folks, is why people have lost faith in the Old Media.