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Targetpractice5/15/2013 6:30:58 pm PDT

re: #19 freetoken

Erickson’s accusation that Obama is still guilty of the IRS targeting specific groups, even though acknowledging that Obama didnt’ order it, because Obama campaigns (like, *gasp*, all politicians who want to get reelected), is such an exercise in illogic that it can only sell in a creationist camp.

Something about which Erickson also bald-faced-ily lies: that his readership/customers are creationist hyper-religious left-overs from the 19th century.

At this point, the only way to make the IRS business stick to Obama is to argue that somebody in the IRS was talking to the White House, which is long odds at this time. So their only other option is to hope that they can convince people that “Obama created the environment for this! He made it seem like a good idea!”