
David Corn Explains How Journalists Are Colluding With Conservatives to Create Propaganda

Kragar8/05/2013 10:03:18 pm PDT

Four dead, two injured as gunman opens fire on town hall meeting in Pennsylvania

Police have identified the gunman as 59-year-old Rockne Warren Newell. His property had recently been seized by the county sheriff.

Newell had an 18-year-long dispute with the Ross Township Board of Supervisors over the condition of his property. Newell, a self-proclaimed junk collector, was ordered in 2012 to clean and vacate his property unless he obtained various permits.

“I need to clean up & I need a lawyer,I have no place to go and my 2 rescue dogs will be put to sleep because no one else will take them,” Newell wrote on the website Give Forward in 2012.

Newell had been living in his car and in abandoned buildings since being forced out of his home.

“They have no right to kick me off my property. They call my property an ‘eyesore.’ When I bought it, it was one of only three properties on the entire road that didn’t have what they call ‘junk,’” he told the Pocono Record in June.