
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

Rightwingconspirator3/09/2014 12:43:12 pm PDT

So Putin says it’s all up to the Crimeans to vote and become a part of the nation they choose. Just up and split from Ukraine.

Well then. How about we have a few votes like that for these countries that have expressed a desire to move away from Russian governance?


Russia’s other European regions[edit]
See also: Separatist movements in Asian Russia
Tatarstan Tatarstan
Political party: All-Tatar Public Center
Movement: Tatar Youth Union “Azatlyk”
Proposed state: Tatarstan, Idel-Ural
Udmurtia Udmurtia
Movement: Congress of the Peoples of Udmurtia
Proposed state: Idel-Ural
Chuvashia Chuvashia
Movement: Chuvash Youth Union
Proposed state: Idel-Ural
Mari El Mari El
Proposed state: Idel-Ural
Mordovia Mordovia
Proposed state: Idel-Ural
Bashkortostan Bashkortostan
Movement: Bashkir social movement “Kuk bure”
Proposed state: Idel-Ural
Komi Republic Komi Republic
Proposed state: Komi Republic
Proposed state: East Karelia or reunification with North Karelia and South Karelia and the formation of united Karelia or Finland[citation needed]
Kalmykia Kalmykia[citation needed]
Proposed state: Ingria (comprises Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast)[citation needed]
Proposed state: Prussia (comprises Kaliningrad Oblast and Various Areas In Northern Poland)
Political parties Baltic Republican Party[24]

EDIT-Our list
Texas. But just until a white guy is President.