
Friday Night Acoustic: Trevor Gordon Hall, "Turning Ruts Into Grooves"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/14/2014 9:37:10 pm PST

re: #13 De Kolta Chair

BTW, talked to my aged mother about her work, in regards to that B-36 pic you posted downstairs.

She states she did work for Convair when Truman was President, and that the ‘big ones’ (by which I think she meant the B-36, but perhaps others) would come in for “rework” after a while, meaning they needed repairs. She said that she was quite impressed with the size of the biggest aircraft.

Also, she noted that when Convair lost a major contract that most of the people she worked with were laid off, but she was one of 5 who wasn’t, but she didn’t want to stay.