
Friday Night Blue-Eyed Soul: St. Paul & the Broken Bones, "Half the City"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/06/2015 6:15:13 pm PST

Today in Theocracy:

Jindal visit to Israel a ‘presidential’ pilgrimage?


Jindal was invited to tour the Holy Land by the American Renewal Project, a conservative organization founded in 2005 to restore and promote traditional values. Last month, evangelical political activist David Lane, who heads ARP and has been engaged in Republican politics since 1992, paid for 60 members of the Republican National Committee to visit Israel.

“Helping our nation’s political leaders focus on our Judeo/Christian heritage will help strengthen them as they make decisions affecting us,” Lane told Christian Examiner. “The only currency to rebuild America is God’s economy rooted in righteousness.”


When Jindal travels to Israel in July, he will make some strategic acquaintances, being accompanied by evangelical pastors from Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — four states which play a critical early role in the Republican primaries.
