
Following the Passage of Bobby Jindal's Stealth Creationism Law, Louisiana Leads the Way Into the New Dark Age

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/02/2015 7:17:00 pm PDT

re: #19 palomino

Jindal and his crowd aren’t interested in teaching creationism to their own kids in public schools. They’ve already taken care of that at home and church. They want to teach creationism to everyone else’s kids.

The point is to “spread the good word” and indoctrinate as many people as possible, preferably when they’re young. It’s kind of a feature of evangelicalism, and Jindal’s state (especially outside NO) is pretty much hardcore bible belt.

Yes, this. Jindal and the legislators that pushed this already have taught their own children creationism and that evolution is false but what they want to do is push their vision on other people’s kids. It’s yet another right wing example of doing exactly what they accuse other people of doing. If you want to hear God created the Earth, send your kid to a religious private school or enroll them in a Sunday school that teaches that but a publically funded school should not be teaching Creationism over a scientific theory that has proven valid to scientific research.