
Seth Meyers: Democrats Get Their First Big Electoral Wins of the Trump Era

austin_blue11/08/2017 9:56:42 pm PST

Oops, a major CL, rest her soul.

re: #233 HappyWarrior

I didn’t wear my Agnosticism on my sleeve when my niece got baptized. It was something my brother wanted to do mostly to make my grandmother and his wife’s family happy. I don’t mind religion if it’s a tool to help people. It’s not for me but I’m not going to tell someone that it has no use at all.

Agnosticism, or in my case, Deism, means never having to say you are sorry. I don’t personally believe in a Theist God, who answers every prayer and takes an active role in the affairs of humans. I entertain the thought that there may be a God, however, who created the Universe and does not care about Its creation after the fact. A Prime Mover without a need to fuck with things once it was done, in other words. I also believe it’s possible that there is no God and that the Universe is entirely random, a construct entirely created by an as yet unknown unified field theory and a Big Bang that resulted in us just popping out of nowhere.

I was raised Catholic, and I don’t begrudge anyone their faith, whatever it is, so long as they don’t use it to subjugate, damage, or suppress people who don’t agree with them. I have deep respect for people of faith. It really makes it much easier to deal with the reality of this existence we all share.

Atheism takes a lot of faith and not all of it good. It has hard edges. It’s a yes/no dogma, right or wrong. So is hardcore right wing (any other religion you want to fill in here). None of them are helpful to the common good of a healthy, multi-cultural world.

Night all! Out to Alpine tomorrow for a couple gigs with one of She Who Must Be Obeyed’s bands. Doing the tour of the McDonald Observatory complex on either Sunday or Monday. Good times.