
Colbert: The Brits Greet Trump With Baby Blimps and a Giant Penis [VIDEO]

KGxvi6/05/2019 10:54:05 am PDT

re: #16 DangerMan

fair enough, amanda.

can we ‘politicize’ las vegas yet?

or are you being way more brazen and actually saying we literally cant politicize any ‘tragedy of this magnitude?”

cause if that’s the case i gotta say you’re brilliant suggesting we can never, ever talk about any mass fucking shooting.

then we cant talk about what to do to reduce or prevent them.

amanda, you are awesome. if you’re that craven.
otherwise you’re just an ass.

You just have to understand the ground rules for politicizing tragedies.

1. Was the perpetrator a straight white guy with potentially conservative (including alt-right) world views? If yes, then it can’t be politicized because obviously he was a lone wolf who doesn’t represent all straight white guys and it wouldn’t be right to blah blah blah

2. Does the perpetrator fail the paper bag test? If yes, then you can politicize it with respect to curtailing the civil rights of people who look like the perpetrator.

3. Was the perpetrator not Christian? If yes, you can politicize it in order to protect (white) Christians against the non-believers.

4. Was the perpetrator born outside the US? If yes, you can politicize it to stop the flow of all immigrants unless and until you can determine if all immigrants and their children and their children’s children should be removed from the country.

5. Did the perpetrator use guns? If so, you can’t politicize it, UNLESS your argument is that what we really need is more guns. In which case, you’re not politicizing the tragedy, you’re just pointing out the obvious fact that the only gun control that works is using both hands.