
Colbert: Nine Days Into the Biden Presidency, It's Time for a Look Back

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines1/30/2021 12:08:36 pm PST

This is a brief but very informative synopsis, with some real experts weighing in. ‘It’s terrifying’: The extreme belief system of QAnon, who’s following and why

QAnon’rs believe a coup will happen with the help of the U.S. military and those involved in the deep state will be arrested and executed.

A military and religious union, disturbing to Jack Bratich, an Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University. Bratich has studied extremism for decades.

“We put that combination together and I think you have people who are ready for all kinds of actions and martyrdom when it comes to this,” said Bratich. “Once you have a sector of a population that’s ready for that, I think that’s what makes things quite dangerous.”