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Joe Bacon ✅6/22/2024 2:09:01 pm PDT

Trump goes into Hunger Games territory…

Donald Trump on Saturday suggested the creation of an ultimate fighting league for immigrants, leading to an outpouring of mockery.

Trump over the weekend gave the keynote address at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” in Washington, D.C. In that same talk, the former president came under fire after he sought to push back against reports that he was “rambling” when he told a story about sharks and electrocution at a recent rally.

The follow-up led some onlookers to say his attempt to defend his remarks were worse than the original telling itself.

But Trump also tackled the issue of immigration, telling a story about the UFC’s Dana White.

“Dana White… he’s a legend, right? UFC, ultimate fighter, ultimate fighting,” Trump said. “I said Dana I have an idea. Why don’t you set up a migrant league of fighters? And have your regular league of fighters. Then you have the champion of your league, these are the greatest fighters in the world, fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrant guy might win, that’s how tough they are. He didn’t like that idea too much… but not the worst idea I have ever had.”

The comments didn’t land with many social media users.