
Ahmadinejad Decries NK Nuke Test

jaunte5/25/2009 9:32:53 am PDT

.re: #6 Dianna

because there’s a certain breed of leftist (both here in the US and in Europe) who will actually swallow this line whole and take it as evidence that Iran is coming around and being reasonable.

Here’s an example of just such a believer in ‘reasonable Iran’ from a comment thread this morning at Kos:

An international treaty to which a country is a signatory is effectively international law for them, no matter what the UNSC does or does not do, and the DPRK has been in clear violation of the NNPT for some time (and this has nothing to do with “additional protocols”). This has no relation to the Iranian situation, where the Iranian government has followed their responsibilities under the treaty quite carefully (for the most part; they’ve certainly followed it as well as we have)